Sunday, October 20, 2019

StairMaster Gauntlet 8 Series Review

black stationary bike

StairMaster is a household name. If you’ve used a stepmill before, the odds are that it was a StairMaster. All of the good things you’ve heard about stepmills are true, including the benefits and ease of use. The StairMaster Gauntlet 8 Series has extras that make staying motivated during exercise easy and workouts fun. 

This particular stepmill delivers a combination of cardio and strength training in one workout. As you may know, stepmills are meant to provide users with the same workout they’d get from climbing up stairs, but without the nasty impact that comes with going down. The upward and backward direction of the legs helps to strengthen, sculpt, and tone the entire lower body while providing the benefit of burning calories. Let’s take a look at the StairMaster Gauntlet’s benefits and features. 

Benefits of the StairMaster Gauntlet 8 Series

StairMaster Series 8 Gauntlet with LCD Screen

  • Low impact workout suitable for all types of users
  • Efficient and effective
  • Adjustable settings 
  • Combined cardio and strength training
  • Tones lower body and increases core muscle strength
  • Wide range of programs and features

Who Can Use the StairMaster Gauntlet?

One of the most significant advantages of this machine is that anyone can use it, no matter their age or fitness level. It has adjustable speed and resistance so that anyone can customize it for their comfort. 

Getting into shape is easy with this stepmill. You can easily increase your speed as your fitness improves to burn extra calories. For those who are already expert steppers, this machine is built for you, too, and can provide you with an intense workout unlike anything else. 


StairMaster Vs. Going to the Gym 

If you want to stay healthy, exercise is absolutely essential. When you have a busy life, with children, jobs, pets, and more responsibilities than you know what to do with, it can be difficult to find time to go for a jog or go to the gym. 

With little spare time to exercise outside of the house, many people find staying fit almost impossible. However, investing in home fitness equipment can help people stay in shape and requires less time than traveling to the gym. Your workout can be done in the comfort of your own home. 


StairMaster Vs. Stairs

Stair climbing is great exercise, which is why the StairMaster was invented. When you run up stairs, you have to lift your weight to get to the next step, a movement that burns calories and forces your body to balance. In the process, this tones your, tights, butt, and calf muscles. The act of balancing also targets your core. 

When climbing stairs, however, you will eventually have to descend. This action puts stress on your knee joints since all of your body weight is being pushed down onto your knees, creating the potential for injury. 

The StairMaster Gauntlet solves this problem. You are only ascending, never descending, for a low-impact and efficient workout that’s comfortable and safe on joints. 

When used at a higher resistance, the workout is the equivalent of running up stairs instead of simply walking up to them. Plus, using a StairMaster is more enjoyable than using stairs. Climbing stairs is tedious, not to mention the potential for injury. 

With a variety of entertainment options, the Gauntlet makes it easy for you to pass the time during your workout. Instead of focusing on how much time you have left, you will be focusing on your favorite media. 


Read More: What Is the Difference Between a Stepper and a Stepmill?


Targeted Muscles

There’s a reason many people dread leg day at the gym. Targeting your leg muscles is difficult and arduous. Along with the core, the Gauntlet targets:

  1. Glutes
  2. Quads
  3. Hamstrings
  4. Calves
  5. Core

The StairMaster also builds lean muscle, which is ideal for women who don’t want to bulk up but want a toned body. 


Key Features of the StairMaster Gauntlet 8 Series 


StairMaster is easy for a wide range of users. The machine is straightforward to start using right away. You can easily select a program, speed, or intensity level by pressing a button or touching the screen. 

An owner manual also comes with the stepmill and explains everything clearly. You also have access to online customer service and a phone number that can help you if you can’t figure it out. 


This stepmill is made from durable materials and rust-free polypropylene for the performance of a commercial, industrial machine. With ergonomically designed handrails, you can easily maintain a good posture that helps you stay comfortable and burn calories. 


The Gauntlet features a revolving staircase with eight steps, which are 8 inches high, 9 inches deep, and 22 inches wide. These measurements are about the same as a normal set of stairs so that your workout mimics a stair-climbing workout.


You can program the steps to rotate between 26 and 162 times per minute, depending on your exercise level. 


The Gauntlet has nine resistance levels, and you can easily increase the challenge by going two steps at a time. 


Read More: Stairmaster Workouts You Should Try Today


Workout Profiles

There are multiple workout profile and program options available including, 

  • Manual
  • Fat Burner
  • Calorie Burning
  • Intervals
  • Calorie Goal
  • Floor Goal

There’s also Bell Shaped, Build, Mystery Challenge, and Steady so that the machine can automatically change intensity levels depending on your preferences.

Fitness Tests

The Gauntlet comes complete with three fitness tests, including the CPAT Fire Fit Test. 

Landmark Challenge Program

This workout program is one of a kind and lets users choose programs that simulate climbing landmarks like the Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty, and more. 

Console and Stats

The Gauntlet comes with your choice of three consoles, which all include an easy to read backlit dual display window, 10-inch touchscreen with integrated iPod capability, and a TV tuner. 

On your console, you’ll see stats displayed, including heart rate, calories burned, floors per minute, level, floors climbed, and more so that you can monitor your workout and see when you’ve achieved your goals. 

What’s your favorite thing about the StairMaster Gauntlet? Let us know in the comments!

The post StairMaster Gauntlet 8 Series Review appeared first on Primo Fitness.

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