Friday, June 7, 2019

How To Get A Great Stepmill Workout

A Stepmill is one of the most efficient and intense workout machines in any gym setup. These staircase simulators have been on a surge in recent years, with many gym instructors and participants preferring to use them over the other cardio-based gym equipment. This preference among instructors is due to its proven workout capabilities which can help burn a greater number of calories.

There are various ways to ensure that you use the Stepmill optimally to get the most out of your workout. The many workout steps and schedules have been modified to ensure that the user comfortably and safely uses the equipment with maximum health benefits.

Apart from the regular walking and running up the Stepmill, other workout routines are designed for a powerful workout within a specified period. As with any other gym equipment, you needs to know the safety measures and how to use the machine properly to avoid accidents and possible injuries.

A sample workout routine

There are a variety of possible workout routines that utilize a Stepmill. The aim of using these staircase simulators is to burn calories and keep fit, while the Stepmill has been proven to be one of the most efficient cardio machines available for gyms and home use.

Below is a sample routine to help you maximize your workout and burn those calories. Follow the step by step routine to ensure that you have a full work out plan on the Stepmill:

1. Regular walk: A normal-paced walk up the Stepmill is one of the basic workout routines. Set the pace level on five and avoid holding on the machine bars during this routine, which ensures that you do not exert your entire body frame on the machine. Continue walking on the Stepmill as you adjust the speed. There is also an option of gluteal extension to exercise your lower back during this routine.

2. Lateral lock walk: Turn on one side as you walk up the Stepmill. Ensure you hold on the bars of the machine with one hand to avoid tripping or falling. The option of gluteal extension is also available during this routine as you work on your adductor muscles.

3. Backward walk: The backward step is one of the intense and challenging workout routines on the Stepmill that focuses on the Trapezius, Latissimus and Rhomboid back muscles,strengthening them. Ensure you hold firmly on the bars of the machine as you can easily trip and fall. Optimally exercise your lower body and avoid putting the pressure of your entire body weight on the equipment.

4. Sprints: holding on the side bars and facing forward on the Stepmill, start by jogging increasing to a run up the stairs. The routine is quite intense and is the perfect cardio exercise, helping you burn a lot of calories and strengthen your muscles.

5. Regular walk: Return to the typical walk up the Stepmill, with the optimal gluteal extension exercise.

A Stepmill is the perfect workout tool that focuses on the major muscles of the body, helping you get stronger, keep fit and shed off unnecessary body fat.

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